These are our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) at Lori Wyman Casting.
When is the next workshop?
There are several ways to find out about upcoming workshops. Check out our calendar on our website here and sign up for our newsletter. When we schedule our classes we will send out a newsletter letting you know of all of our upcoming workshops, classes, and events. You may also call the office just to ask if there are any classes coming up.
Do you have ongoing acting classes?
Since Lori Wyman is a busy working casting director, she conducts workshops and classes when she has time. Often, these classes are held on weekends since she is casting during the workweek. When there is time availability, a weekly class is also offered.
Do you offer private consulting services?
Yes, you can contact our offices at 305-354-3901 to make an appointment.
My friend told me to call you? I want to get started in the business and I was referred to you. Can you help me?
I know, I know, your friend told you to call Lori Wyman Casting to help get you started in the business. That is not what a casting director company does. Starting out as an extra on TV shows and movies is a great way to get started. Please read How do I get work as an extra? on this page.
Can I make an appointment to talk to Lori about the next step in my career? Do you do private coaching/counseling?
Lori is putting together a career coaching program. Once that is in place, you may call the office to schedule your career coaching appointment. These sessions will help you map out your career as well as conquer the obstacles that are holding you back in order to be as successful as you possibly can as an actor.
I want to work in the American market. How do I cross over?
If you are working in another market, let’s say the Spanish speaking market, and you want to cross over into the American market, there are a few things you can do. You can start off with getting an agent who can send you out for projects in the English speaking, American market. Get headshots that fit the market you want to work in. Another important factor is to make sure your English is very understandable. An accent in English is fine as long as you are articulate and Middle American can understand every word you are saying. If your accent is too heavy, it will be very hard to cross over into the American market. Find out who the dialect coach is in your area and start working with them to lessen your accent.
I don’t have any experience, but I want to be an actor. Where do I start?
The very first thing you need to do is start taking acting classes. If you are still in school, sign up for the drama class in your school. Local colleges have theater departments and you can start by signing up for one of these classes. Again, google is your friend. Google acting classes in your area. Sometimes you can audit one class for free before you need to sign up for a whole series of classes. You can also contact a local talent agency, even if you are not registered with them, and ask them to give you a couple of acting schools in your area. Once you start taking acting classes, you will meet other actors in this class who can then refer you to their photographers, their agents, and the people who are working in the acting field in your area.
I’m looking for representation. Can you be my agent? If you’re not an agent, what do you do?
We are not an agent. We are a Casting Director company. That means we are hired by the production company to cast their projects. When we are looking for actors, we contact Talent Agents, who represent actors, and they then call their talent (you) who are then sent to us to audition.
Do I need an agent?
Yes, you need an agent if you want someone to look out for you and send you and your materials to a casting director for consideration. That is the agent’s job. They send you on auditions and then you pay them a percentage of your earnings, once you book. You do NOT pay an agent anything just to register with them. Every once in awhile an actor may obtain work directly through the casting director’s office. My office has called actors directly, but then if they book, we always ask them to put the job through their agent.
My agent isn’t sending me on auditions. What do I do? Why aren’t you seeing me?
If your agent is not sending you on auditions, then you need to find another agent. Please remember, the agent works for you. You do not work for the agent. We will see you through your agent. There are numerous reasons why we are not seeing you. We cannot address them all here, but some of them may be: 1. Your agent did not submit you. 2. You are not really right for the role, even though you think you are. 3. The role has been written out. 4. You are not as strong an actor as the other actors who were also submitted. 5. Your agent submitted you too late.
How do I get an agent?
When you are in a particular area, you should google the agencies in your area. Then go to their websites. Most agencies will give you instructions on how to submit your materials for consideration. You can also mail your materials in directly or just walk in to drop them off. Realize if you just show up to an agent’s office, there may be a slot for you to drop off your headshot and resume and no one will actually meet you.
What does it mean when my agent sends me in to a casting director to “read?” Do I just read?
A “READ” is an audition. That means you learn your dialog and you perform it as if you were actually shooting the role. You do not come in to the audition and just read the words on the page.
Can I submit video tapes?
Yes, you are free to submit your video tape for a casting call. Just contact our office at 305-354-3901
Can I send you a headshot/resume and submit myself for auditions at your office?
You are always welcome to send us your headshot and resume. While we cannot guarantee that you will get an audition this way, you may always send your materials to a casting director.
Do you recommend anyone for headshots?
In South Florida, I recommend Bob Lasky. www.boblasky.com Every market has their wonderful headshot and composite photographers. A good way to find out who the good photographers are in a particular area is to call the better agents in that market. You don’t have to be registered with that agent. You can just call and ask if they can give you a name or 2 of the best photographers in their area. Most agents are willing to give you that information. Since we have the Internet, you can also google photographers in the area you live and look at their websites. Make sure they take the kinds of pictures you are looking for.
Can I get feedback on my auditions?
Due to the fact that we are a very busy casting office, we do not have a lot of extra time to give feedback to everyone who submits an audition. My suggestion would be to ask your agent to ask the casting director if there is any feedback. If you are going to get any feedback, this is the best way to obtain it.
Can I get a copy of my audition?
Unless you self tape and you have your audition in the first place, you most likely cannot get a copy of your audition. You have to understand that we see dozens and dozens of actors in any given day and it is not possible to stop our casting session to download and email everyone’s casting auditions to them.
How do I get work as an extra?
In the southeastern United States, I have worked in conjunction with all 3 of these extras casting companies on projects like Ballers, The Glades, Magic City and Bloodline. My suggestion is to go to their websites and see what their requirements are for signing up with them. frontrunnercasting.com, crowdshotcasting.com, marinellacasting.com If you are in another market, google extras casting companies for the areas you are in. Extra work is a great way to get started in the business. You will learn a lot and begin to network with other extras who may be able to refer you onto more work.