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Lori Wyman will be accepting a very select group of actors to work with for 4 months at a time.
She will help actors achieve their acting goals to move to the next level in their careers. Lori brings over 30 years of experience behind the camera to help actors where others cannot.
If you would like more information about this very exclusive opportunity, please email lori@loriwymancasting.com OR call 305 354-3901 to set up an exploratory 1 on 1 call.
Sign up for our newsletter here and/or check our class calendar here.
Lori Wyman teaches a multitude of classes for actors from her very popular One Line Wonders, to her Weekly Sampler Class and her Auditioning for Film and Television Classes.
To find out more about what is coming up, please sign up for our Newsletter and we will send out our newsletter announcing each class coming up. Also check our class calendar here.
What Our Attendees Are Saying
Don’t just take it from us, let our actors do the talking!
Just a few years after my first class with Lori, I auditioned to be the host of a top national children’s television show. I was one of hundreds of actors who auditioned for the role across the country. Thanks to that solid audition, I booked the job as host and went on to win an EMMY a year later.
Attending Lori’s classes has taught me valuable audition techniques which has helped me fulfill my dream of becoming a successful working actor.
I immediately turned to Lori for her expertise. I took her TV/Film audition class, One Line Wonders class, and read her book “The Organic Actor.” Her coaching guided me to headshots, talent agents, and through the crucial “do’s and dont’s” of the industry.
So far I have worked on a major TV show and I’m getting ready to work on my 4th film. Lori has taken me from 0 to 100 in 4 months. Lori works wonders. Thank you for making my dream a reality.”
No one had ever taught a class to teach actors how to deliver One Line, UNTIL Lori Wyman came around and introduced this very important class. Others have tried to imitate it, but No One has come close. This is the Original ONE LINE WONDERS!
It Marries 1 Liners and Self Taping Skills?
This is an amazing class that will teach you EXACTLY the components to deliver ONE LINE!!! (One Line-the hardest kind of audition)
ALL Knowledge can be transferred to Long Audition Sides as well.
Here are a few comments from former students of this very beneficial Film and Television Auditioning Course!!
Good morning.
Your workshop was amazing! I was truly humbled by the talent in the room and the knowledge that my journey has just begun. On my drive back to Tampa, I evaluated my experience in your workshop. Currently, I am studying scene work, and I felt your workshop would give me something completely different to work on. What an understatement! Who knew so some much went into a one-line audition? I didn’t…I came away with a renewed awareness of what it takes to nail these auditions and book the jobs. I learned so much from you and your direction as well as from the other actors in class. And that a spot-on, one-line audition can lead to bigger and better gigs.
Your no-nonsense, direct approach was just what I needed. And getting in front of the camera five times in five different scenarios was priceless. This is not an easy business, and it is surely not for the faint of heart. I thought about what your Dad used to tell you about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. Well, that’s what I’m doing today. I am going to continue studying, learning, preparing, and giving 100% to every audition. I have a couple of auditions this week and will apply everything I learned in your class.
I thank you, Lori, and look forward to the day when my auditions will make you proud.
Have a wonderful week!
Celia I.
And an agent in Florida wrote this after my One-Line Class:
Your class has helped so many. One of my favorite things I hear from actors that take your class is how you let them see the others audition and then hear your insightful and frank feedback which helps them see they do have a lot to improve on. They are always so much more motivated than before to work on their acting versus maybe just me telling them to practice more. And as important to me, they are always just so inspired by you, too, when you finish your class as they believe in themselves so much more.
I LOVE teaching this class and the actors LOVE taking this class.
This is a ZOOM ON-CAMERA class to show you EXACTLY how to break down ONE line.
“ONE line,” you say? That doesn’t sound hard. OH YEA???
Let me tell you about 1 line.
Even though you probably won’t have a difficult time memorizing just 1 line, (or will you when you factor in nerves?) you still have to learn how to turn just one little line into an entire audition.
“Who wants to audition for just one line,” you ask? YOU DO!!! “WHY,” you wonder? I’ll tell you why!
I was casting a big feature film and I brought these girls in to be the Bimbette secretary of the sleazy lawyer. Their ONE LINE was, “He will see you now.”
Can’t be THAT hard, can it? Oh yes it can.
I had 6 actresses audition for this. Clearly one actress was the best. After she did her audition and booked the role, the director determined that the Bimbette Secretary should be EVERYWHERE her sleazy boss should be. Her Boss? Bill Murray. The Movie? WILD THINGS! She worked? 4 weeks! All from a ONE LINE audition!
One time when I taught this class an older actress signed up. She had been around the business for years and told me she only took the class so she could be in front of me. I don’t want actors to take my classes for that reason. I want them to take the classes so they will learn something. Anyway, she called me the following week and said she had a 1 line audition for a National Television Series. She went into the audition and knew exactly what to do. WHY? Because she had just taken the class and was so confident and, of course, she booked it!! I love hearing stories like that.
A director can tell a good actor by just one line. I have brought actors in to audition for 1 line and then the director asks that actor to look at a bigger role and audition for that.
ONE LINE can tell many things about an actor. Make sure it tells them that you are good!
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So, exactly what is a Self-taping class and what are you going to learn?
1. Do you want to watch examples of Good and Bad self-tapes to see what works and what doesn’t?
2. Do you want to get behind the camera yourself to tape your classmates so then you will know what the person who is taping you should be doing?
3. Do you want to learn about emailing techniques, compressing, uploading, sound, lighting, backdrops?
4. Do you want to know exactly what the client (casting director, producer, director) is looking for?
5. Do you want to tape and be taped to practice?
6. Do you have a self tape that needs taping? Bring it this weekend and have it
Sign up for our newsletter here and/or check our class calendar here.
Sign up for our newsletter here and/or check our class calendar here.
*Note On Our Classes
“This class is a learning experience. It is not an audition or employment opportunity. When the class is over, the casting director teaching this class will not be taking home nor be given access to your headshot, resume, or any other of your promotional materials”