Lori Wyman Coaching
Lori offers 2 programs: the quick, 1 time Pick Lori Wyman’s Brain OR an ongoing coaching program, Life Coach for Actors.
Discover more about them below.
Life Coach for Actors – Personal Coaching with Lori Wyman
What qualifies Lori Wyman to be your Coach?
Lori has over 35 years in the film business as, first, a talent agent, and then a casting director for the last 30 plus years. Lori has a master’s degree with a concentration in Drama Therapy.
These tools help actors overcome the perils that prohibit them from attaining their career goals.
Lori Wyman has added personal coaching for those of you who want personalized and individual attention.
If you want an ongoing coaching program, this is the choice for you.
Being successful in your acting career is not always about acting. It is about life skills, mental attitude, and having the right people standing behind and guiding you.
How do you know if life coaching for actors is for you?
Do you want to:
Get and stay motivated with your acting career?
Be inspired by someone who is on your side?
Get help with overcoming your personal obstacles?
Accomplish your goals?
Call Lori Wyman to set up a coaching program designed especially for you.
CALL NOW: 305 354-3901
Pick Lori Wyman’s Brain
If you have a pressing question or immediate concern pertaining to you or your child’s career and would like to get expert advice from someone who has been in the film business for over 30 years, this is the perfect choice for you.
You may sign up for a 30 minute or an hour session.
Do you need to have questions answered by a professional in the Film Business so you:
Don’t get scammed?
Don’t waste time?
Cut to the chase?
Get the RIGHT answers the first time?
Pick out the perfect headshots that best represent you?
Get career guidance?
This may be just the thing for you!
Lori Wyman has put aside some time each week to help actors get those all important questions answered.
Don’t guess! Get the right answers the first time!
After 1 30 minute session,
Julie K said:
‘I am so grateful for your time. I was stressing out over what to do about my manager
and her role and now I know exactly how to handle this situation.
Thank you so much’
‘Hey thanks again for everything! Yesterday’s session was great. I got so much out of it.
It cleared up so many questions that I had and helped guide me in the direction that I
want my acting career to go. I’ll be contacting you for more sessions as I progress along
in the acting world’
Arlyn Broche – recurring role “Ballers”
If this is something for you or your child’s career,
call 305 354-3901
to set up your phone session.
30 and 60 minute sessions available!