B.L. Stryker is an American detective drama that aired on ABC from February 13, 1989 to May 5, 1990 as part of the ABC Mystery Movie umbrella group, along with Gideon Oliver, Columbo, and Kojak. Tom Selleck was one of the series’ executive producers. The series...
21 Jump Street is an American police procedural television series that aired on the Fox Network and in first run syndication from April 12, 1987, to April 27, 1991, with a total of 103 episodes. The series focuses on a squad of youthful-looking undercover police...
2 Fast 2 Furious (alternatively known as Fast & Furious 2, Fast 2 or Furious 2) is a 2003 American crime action film directed by John Singleton. It is the second installment of The Fast and the Furious franchise. Brian O’Conner (Paul Walker) teams up with...
Miami Vice is an American television crime drama series created by Anthony Yerkovich and produced by Michael Mann for NBC. The series starred Don Johnson as James “Sonny” Crockett and Philip Michael Thomas as Ricardo “Rico” Tubbs, two...