Every Witch Way is an American telenovela-formatted teen sitcom that originally aired on Nickelodeon from January 1, 2014, to July 30, 2015. It is the American version of the Nickelodeon Latin American show Grachi. The first season aired as a “One Month...
Hoot is a 2006 American family comedy film, based on Carl Hiaasen’s novel of the same name. It was written and directed by Wil Shriner, and produced by New Line Cinema and Walden Media. The film stars Luke Wilson, Logan Lerman, Brie Larson, Tim Blake Nelson,...
Marley & Me is a 2008 American coming-of-age comedy-drama film about the titular dog, Marley. It was directed by David Frankel and the screenplay by Scott Frank and Don Roos is based on the memoir of the same name by John Grogan. The film stars Owen Wilson and...
Striptease is a 1996 American erotic comedy film directed, produced, and written by Andrew Bergman, and stars Demi Moore, Burt Reynolds and Ving Rhames. The film is based on Carl Hiaasen’s novel of the same name, and is about a stripper who becomes involved in...
The Glades is a crime drama television series, created by Clifton Campbell, that aired on the A&E network for four seasons from July 11, 2010, to August 26, 2013. The police procedural show starred Matt Passmore as Jim Longworth, a Chicago police detective who...